
Showing posts from 2013

El Color de la Magia, de Terry Pratchett (spanish)

Es tracta d'un llibre d'aventures amb molta fantasia i un toc d'humor. Tot i ser una novela recomanada i molt valorada dintre del gènere fantàstic, no he acabat gaudir-lo del tot. El món fantàstic que descriu és massa irreal per a mi. I encara que fa referències al món real de forma indirecta, no m'acaba de convèncer. Potser no sóc del tipus de lector al que va dirigida aquesta obra...

Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux, by Peter Membrey and David Hows

This is a technical book written in English about "Raspberry Pi" and the Linux operating system. The Raspberry Pi is a microcomputer (actually an electronic circuit) with minimal built-in capabilities. There are two versions, and the most expensive and complete does not cost more than 35 €. The technical specifications are as follows: CPU ARM1176JZF at 700MHz Broadcom VideoCore IV GPU 512Mb RAM 3.5W power supply Ethernet 2 USB ports 1 HDMI port 1 RCA connector 1 Audio output Storage capacity for SD or SDHC card The book ranges from a basic introduction, installation and configuration of the system, to more advanced aspects such as administration, compilation of packages to make the most of the resources of the Raspberry. The language is very plain and easy to understand. It gives step-by-step instructions on what to do and comments on the most common mistakes a user may encounter and how they can be fixed. Thanks to this book I have been able to successfully install and confi

Més clar, aigua. Sobre la TIL (catalan - spanish)

Es pot dir més fort, però no més clar. El que vé a continuació és un "copy & paste" d'una carta oberta de Juanjo Pérez, Mestre, llicenciat en filosofía i professor de secundaria.  "Carta Juanjo Pérez Mañana, 4 de octubre, hará veinte años que empecé a trabajar como maestro de inglés en escuelas primarias de nuestro sistema de educación pública, sistema en el que sigo trabajando con orgullo a día de hoy como profesor de filosofía en un centro de educación secundaria. Creo que puedo hablar con cierta propiedad de educación y desde luego con mucho más conocimiento de causa que si me pusiera a hablar, es un decir, de compraventa de pisos o de la caza del ciervo. Amo y valoro mi profesión tanto como la dignidad que ésta me confiere y que ustedes pretenden arrebatarle. Por eso, y por lo que estamos viviendo estos días, escribo una serie de reflexiones para que lleguen hasta donde el sentido común quiera llevarlas. Y lo hago en castellano, clarito y sin rode

The cathedral and the bazaar, by Eric S.Raymond

This is an essay that talks about the open source software model. Compare how to make proprietary software in large projects (cathedral) and how to make software in community projects (bazaar). It also explains the author's experiences in leading an open source project (bazaar type). This project despite seeking to address a personal need of the author, was developed into a powerful tool used by many users. Copying the management techniques that Linus Torvals used to make "Linux," Eric S. Raymond wanted to see how effective the open source project management model was. The essay is translated into Spanish from English, but it has been difficult for me to read not only because of the technical part of the systems but because the translation of the text has been automatic and some accented vowels and exclamation marks have become letters. incorrect. Despite being almost 25 years old, the text is a must-read for free software technicians and enthusiasts.

Born to run, by Christopher McDougall

Adventure story that talks about a tribe of super-athletes, the Tarahumara, the sport of running and the experiences of a reporter in distant lands in the middle of the Mexican jungle. It is recommended if you like running or doing sports in general. If, on the other hand, you don't like it or you can't for any other reason, you may be a little the same ...

In the beginning was... the command line, de Neal Stephenson (spanish)

Es tracta d'una obre del gènere tecno-punk, més un assaig que una novela. Explica la història dels sistemes operatius des del punt de vista de l'autor. I comenta, entre altres coses, perquè els sistemes propietaris com "Windows" o "Mac OS" no sobreviuran enfront del software lliure. També s'analitza les pràctiques empresarials de Microsoft, Apple i algunes comunitats de software lliure. És curiós e interessant de llegir si t'agrada la tecnología i has tingut algun contacte amb el software lliure. En altre cas, el tema pot resultar extrany i aliè. Només per "hackers" en potència.

The Crossfit Training Guide, de Greg Glassman

This is an informative work that collects a series of articles that appeared on the website. Touch on different topics related to the Crossfit training method: principles and philosophy of fitness, types of workouts, nutrition, description of the different exercises used, workout planning, etc ... Even if you don’t want to get into the world of Crossfit, you can grab a number of surprising ideas to contradict what is generally considered correct in terms of physical training. Only recommended to athletes with an open mind and a desire to improve.

Sé lo que estas pensando, de John Verdon (spanish)

Després de llegir molta literatura tècnica, m'ha agradat tornar a llegir una bona negra. En aquesta, es descriu la forma de pensar d'un ex-policía involucrat en la resol.lució d'una sèrie de morts, atribuïdes a un psicòpata-assassí en sèrie. És interessant veure com van lligant els diferents punts de la història i la forma com acaba. Recomanable.

Cincuenta sombras de Grey, de E.L.James (catalan)

Es tracta d'una amb una alta càrrega d'erotisme amb bastants moments de sexe explícit. La història tracta sobre la relació entre dues persones joves: una noia que acaba la carrera a la universitat i comença a buscar feina i un jove empresari triomfador que té de tot i uns gustos molt extravagants pel que fa a les relacions sexuals. Mentre que l'un busca una relació basada en el sexe i la dominació, l'altre busca una relació més enllà de la passió. El plaer i l'atracció entre la parella és tan forta, que la protagonista ho té molt difícil per poder saber què ha de fer amb aquesta relació. La història no està malament i els passatges de contingut eròtics son molt descriptius i emocionants, però quan ja portes dos o tres capítols amb el mateix tema, trobo que es repeteixen massa. El final de la història és massa forçat, previsible i m'ha decebut una mica. Suposo que és així per captivar el lector i deixar-lo amb el desitg de més aventures, més continguts i

L’AMPA de l’escola Pinetons es tanca per defensar l’ensenyament públic

L’AMPA de l’escola Pinetons es tanca per defensar l’ensenyament públic

Com demanar el esborrany a Hisenda (catalan)

Primer de tot hem d'anar a la pàgina de la "Agencia Tributaria", Una vegada a la següent pàgina fem click al "Borrador". Se'ns obre una nova finestra: Primer haurem d'escollir l'any de l'exercici, després omplir els camps "NIF-NIE", "Primer apellido" i després hauràs d'escollir "Casilla 620" i ficar la qüantitat que et va sortir en aquella casella. Aneu en compte de no possar comes ni punts. Per aquest motiu hi han dos caselles, per la part entera y per les fraccions. Es fa click al botó "Acceder" i a la següent pantalla es demana un número de mòvil on es rebrà un codi per poder passar a la pantalla del Borrador. Arribats a aquest punt tot està ben explicat.

Simple synthesizer VS PSYN II

Hello Moocsters! I am David Sabalete from Barcelona in Spain. This post is for week 6 of Introduction To Music Production at Today I will write about the differences and similarities between the single synthesizer used in the course and the synthesizer "PSYN II" included in Sonar X2. When we open PSYN II synthesizer we find the first difference from the simple synthesizer used in the course. The PSYN II has much more controls than the simple synth has. Simple Synthesizer PSYN II While the simple synthesizer has one oscillator, the PSYN II has four oscillators with up to four waveforms each plus noise. They are accesible via two buttons labeled "1/2" and "3/4". This feature let user see the configuration of two of them at the same time. The PSYN II also has a sub oscillator, several modulation capabilities, two filters, five envelope generators, three low frequency oscillators and a very flexible modulation array, comb

Configuring of an EQ plugin to function like a large format mixing console EQ section

Hello Moocsters! I am David Sabalete from Barcelona in Spain. This lesson is for week 4 of Introduction To Music Production at I will be writing about the "Configuring of an EQ plugin to function like a large format mixing console EQ section". I apologize for my level of English, which is not my mother tongue. Intro Moving down the channel strip on a mixing board, you find the EQ section. It consist of a low Shelving filter, a High Shelving filter and one or more mid range paremetric filters. EQ is a device that process audio signals. EQ modifies the frequency response of an audio system using filters. It adjusts the amplitude of audio signals at particular frequencies. They are used to correct some aspects of sound, like noise and rumble. They are also used in a more creative way, with purposes that attract the listener's attention. The most important EQ on a mixing board is a high pass filter. It is used to remove the energy beneath the funda

Concept behind dynamic processors

Hello Moocsters! I am David Sabalete from Barcelona in Spain. This lesson is for week 4 of Introduction To Music Production at I will be writing about the "Concepts behind dynamic processors". I apologize for my level of English, which is not my mother tongue. There are two task we can to apply to our sound in order to manipulate its dynamic range: Compression Expanssion Compression means to reduce the dynamic range and Expanssion means to increase it. However it is more common to apply only one of them. When we want to reduce the dynamic range, we can make the loud part of the sound quiter or make the quiet part louder. We will get a more consistent performance or more consistent recording when we apply these changes to the sound. When we want to increase the dynamic range, we can make the loud part louder or make the quiet part quiter. Both operation increase the difference between the loud part and the quiet part. If we have a sound with

Categories of Effects

Hello Moocsters! I am David Sabalete from Barcelona in Spain. This lesson is for week 3 of Introduction To Music Production at I will be writing about the "Categories of Effects". I apologize for my level of English, which is not my mother tongue. When working with sound in a mixing board, we can employ different audio effects to change the signal flow in different ways. When working in a DAW, these type of modifications are called  digital signal processing  or DSP. These audio effects can be organized into three different categories. These are the three categories, which are related to three of the principles of sound: Dynamic Effect.  It is related to amplitude. It controls volume based on the material over time. Compressors, Limiters, Expanders or Gates are exemples of type of effect. Delay Effect.  It is related to the propagation principle of sound. It adds little delays to the signal which give us sense of space. Reverbs, Delays, Phasers, Flange

Prepare a project in Sonar Producer

Hello again! My name is David Sabalete from Barcelona and I will explain what is the checklist to follow in order to get your DAW ready to work. This is part of an assesment in the course IMPMOOC by Coursera. First of all, we need to name the file of the project appropriately. Usually within a folder in your computer where are stored all of the projects. This is good in order to have all well organized. Secondly, we need to adjust the Digital Audio Preferences . Although that may be done in the driver interface, I will do in my DAW, Sonar. The recommended preferences are: a sample rate of 48000Hz and a bit depth of 24 bit for recording. These parameters are accesible under Options menu / "Audio..." and then in the Audio Options Window. Due to limitations in the driver of my laptop, Sonar force me to set a sample rate of 44100Hz and a bit depth of 16 bits. Next, we need to set the recording file type . The recommended type is broadcast wave, or an uncompr

Visualizing Sound

Hello! I am David Sabalete from Barcelona in Spain. This lesson is for week 1 of Introduction To Music Production at I will be writing about the "Visualizing Sound". I apologize for my level of English, which is not my mother tongue. Introduction The sound is something you can't see, so it is useful to have some way to see how it changes and understand. Technically speaking, sound is a longitudinal wave. It is difficult to represent, however in a DAW we have three different displays (among others) to help us to figure it out. These visualizers are: Oscilloscope Spectrum analyzer Sonogram/Spectrogram The following describes each of the different displays. The oscilloscope In this display with axes, the sound wave is based on two variables: the amplitude (vertical) and time (horizontal). The range of time may vary. In the Oscilloscope appearing in the materials is about 50 milliseconds, so it is a tiny period of time, but it depends on