Zurrukutuna Soup recipe

The following post has nothing to do with technology, but it is something that I want to remember in the future. This last saturday I visited my mother and she offer me a very good soup she learnt from the cook "Arguiñano" on TV. She is a big fan of the Arguiñano cook, so everything this man does has relevance to her. The thing is that I was so delighted that she wanted me to keep the recipe. The content of the picture has been OCR'ed and edit after it. Sopa Zurrukutuna ("sorber o chupar" en vasco) Pelar y sofreir unos ajos enteros. Poner 1 cucharada de aceite por comensal. Añadir pan "sopaco" o tostado. Remojar los pimientos (3) choriceros en agua hirviendo 5 minutos. Pan cortado en lonchitas finas o desmenuzado, se añade un trozo de guindilla y una cucharada de pimentón dulce o picante al gusto. Añadir el caldo, que se puede hacer con cebolla, zanahoria y puerro o un cubito de caldo de verdures. Hervir 20 minutos aproximadamente con un poco de sal. ...